When the going gets tough at work and when the person who is suppose to lead you fails you in every category expected including that but not limited to professionalism and conduct and when you had your patience stretched to the thinest point and still manage to come out on top of the situation, its a bit relaxing to reflect and look back at things at the end of the day.
Yeah. You Can call this as my daily rant as it does happen day to day hoping defication never hits the fan as this frustration and stress is like a grenade one person is holding with the pin already pulled.
So what better to do to release that pressure and stress than to appreciate nature other than the usual drinking routine. I find it relaxing and it eases my mind watching sunsets, colors of the skies and reflecting at my actions at the end of the day. Work can be stressful, but nothing more will test your patience other than an idle person doing nothing, contented on social media and watching videos of predictable crappy story line the whole day, laughs in an annoying way and gets more pay than you do? Who wouldn't be pissed with that? (Comment with your experiences below)
But as a professional, I let it pass and have it the person's way. Yup, I know within myself I'm better than the person. So why bother giving a rat's @$$ right? Well as it is, nothing more relaxing than letting my eyes feast on the colors of nature and its skies and letting all the unpleasant things drown and fade to memory here in Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory. Aye! Cheers!

Yosi Lang Ang Pahinga!
*P.S. - Check out the tags in this posts ;)
Yeah. You Can call this as my daily rant as it does happen day to day hoping defication never hits the fan as this frustration and stress is like a grenade one person is holding with the pin already pulled.
So what better to do to release that pressure and stress than to appreciate nature other than the usual drinking routine. I find it relaxing and it eases my mind watching sunsets, colors of the skies and reflecting at my actions at the end of the day. Work can be stressful, but nothing more will test your patience other than an idle person doing nothing, contented on social media and watching videos of predictable crappy story line the whole day, laughs in an annoying way and gets more pay than you do? Who wouldn't be pissed with that? (Comment with your experiences below)
But as a professional, I let it pass and have it the person's way. Yup, I know within myself I'm better than the person. So why bother giving a rat's @$$ right? Well as it is, nothing more relaxing than letting my eyes feast on the colors of nature and its skies and letting all the unpleasant things drown and fade to memory here in Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory. Aye! Cheers!

Yosi Lang Ang Pahinga!
*P.S. - Check out the tags in this posts ;)
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