Talking about uniqueness falls short on which type of uniqueness a person has. Uniqueness could be either an advantage or usefulness or it could be just plain abnormal which makes one standout among the rest of the crowd. With the vast examples that could be possibly used, let's take for instance knowledge or intellect. You may have encountered people who seem to know everything regardless whatever topic there is or could just be plainly repeating what other people just said like a parrot or a recording machine on auto playback. Looks smart eh? Nah, there's a word that fits such people.
en•cy•clo•pe•di•a /enˌsīkləˈpēdēə/
A book or set of books giving information on many subjects or on many aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically.
The textbook case type with the myriad types of reading materials, one might claim knowledge just because he/she read it from a book or somewhere on the internet. Thinks everything one has read is applicable to any setting anywhere and anytime just because that person read it from a printed source or online regardless of the lack of experience on any subject matter. Could also be having basic knowledge but lack of further training or exposure but would always assume he/she has the expertise of the deadly art of...
id•i•ot /ˈidēət/
A stupid person.
An idiot, dolt, or dullard is an intellectually disabled person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way. The similar terms moron, imbecile, and cretin have all gained specialized meanings in modern times. An idiot is said to be idiotic, and to suffer from idiocy. A dunce is an idiot who is specifically incapable of learning. An idiot differs from a fool (who is unwise) and an ignoramus (who is uneducated/an ignorant), neither of which refers to someone with low intelligence. In modern English usage, the terms "idiot" and "idiocy" describe an extreme folly or stupidity, and its symptoms (foolish or stupid utterance or deed). In psychology, it is a historical term for the state or condition now called profound intellectual disability which by way is different from a self-confessed mongoloid but would be the same as the lack of common sense.
en•cy•clo•p•ed•i•ot /enˌsīkləˈpēdēət/
A person knowing everything about nothing. Projects knowledge of a subject matter but inexperienced regarding the later. Commonly associated with bragging rights or boastfulness but lacks justification of action or words and can only defend via reference but necessarily a bookworm
With the above combination of the encyclopedia and an idiot comes the encyclopediot. Encyclopediot is the condition or state of mind where a person gets to know more about less until that person ends up knowing everything about nothing. It is also coupled with bragging specially on gatherings where discussions mean specific topics or critical. Every time an encyclopediot talks, it is sometime in reference to what has already been said by another person but coupled with the word
An encyclopediot often brag about things they know about and or will repeat words from other people like a parrot or a recording machine on auto playback. An encyclopediot always assume that things will work according to what he/she pretends to know or act and brag about, but will keep quiet if the topic or subject matter is new to him/her and after which will boast over the later as if he/she had experienced or acquired the knowledge. The psyche of an encyclopediot is simpler than one might think of. A smart person will be able to determine if another person is an encyclopediot or not, just by the words of the encyclopediot him/herself. Boastful or arrogant but will remain mum on any subject matter new to him/her and will talk about the later after he has learned about it like he is an expert. Shady details can be noticed on an encyclopediot’s words and sometimes wrong terminologies and would hesitate in demonstration or actual hands on and would always be unsure of him of what he is doing.
Encyclopediots are often seen on heated discussions or debate, drinking sessions and during group, class, education or work related or training. Will look promising while talking but will be quiet when actual demonstration is required or the original source of what the encyclopediot is talking about is on site or present at the area of discussion. Encyclopediots will always make reference to what they have read, what have been taught to or what the later has heard about any particular subject matter. Encyclopediots always have the bragging rights but will automatically fold when someone capable is nearby.
Be careful when you run into an encyclopediot, or when you are accompanied by one, they tend to violate safety rule by having others to try things out first before an encyclopediot does. Encyclopediot always claim false pretenses and may exhibit hostility depending on body mass. The only ways to defeat and encyclopediot is to contest his knowledge and expertise first hand in front of the public.
Intel Inside, Idiot Outside Deviant Art by braiNiraj
Don't forget to use the hashtag if you are referring or when you encounter one.
en•cy•clo•pe•di•a /enˌsīkləˈpēdēə/
A book or set of books giving information on many subjects or on many aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically.
The textbook case type with the myriad types of reading materials, one might claim knowledge just because he/she read it from a book or somewhere on the internet. Thinks everything one has read is applicable to any setting anywhere and anytime just because that person read it from a printed source or online regardless of the lack of experience on any subject matter. Could also be having basic knowledge but lack of further training or exposure but would always assume he/she has the expertise of the deadly art of...
♯ ♫ ♩ ♪ ♬ ♭ Oh yes! I'm the great pretender. ♮ ♭ ♬ ♪ ♫ ♩

id•i•ot /ˈidēət/
A stupid person.
An idiot, dolt, or dullard is an intellectually disabled person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way. The similar terms moron, imbecile, and cretin have all gained specialized meanings in modern times. An idiot is said to be idiotic, and to suffer from idiocy. A dunce is an idiot who is specifically incapable of learning. An idiot differs from a fool (who is unwise) and an ignoramus (who is uneducated/an ignorant), neither of which refers to someone with low intelligence. In modern English usage, the terms "idiot" and "idiocy" describe an extreme folly or stupidity, and its symptoms (foolish or stupid utterance or deed). In psychology, it is a historical term for the state or condition now called profound intellectual disability which by way is different from a self-confessed mongoloid but would be the same as the lack of common sense.

en•cy•clo•p•ed•i•ot /enˌsīkləˈpēdēət/
A person knowing everything about nothing. Projects knowledge of a subject matter but inexperienced regarding the later. Commonly associated with bragging rights or boastfulness but lacks justification of action or words and can only defend via reference but necessarily a bookworm
With the above combination of the encyclopedia and an idiot comes the encyclopediot. Encyclopediot is the condition or state of mind where a person gets to know more about less until that person ends up knowing everything about nothing. It is also coupled with bragging specially on gatherings where discussions mean specific topics or critical. Every time an encyclopediot talks, it is sometime in reference to what has already been said by another person but coupled with the word
Yesin precedence before repeating back what was previously said by another person almost to the exact word.

An encyclopediot often brag about things they know about and or will repeat words from other people like a parrot or a recording machine on auto playback. An encyclopediot always assume that things will work according to what he/she pretends to know or act and brag about, but will keep quiet if the topic or subject matter is new to him/her and after which will boast over the later as if he/she had experienced or acquired the knowledge. The psyche of an encyclopediot is simpler than one might think of. A smart person will be able to determine if another person is an encyclopediot or not, just by the words of the encyclopediot him/herself. Boastful or arrogant but will remain mum on any subject matter new to him/her and will talk about the later after he has learned about it like he is an expert. Shady details can be noticed on an encyclopediot’s words and sometimes wrong terminologies and would hesitate in demonstration or actual hands on and would always be unsure of him of what he is doing.

Encyclopediots are often seen on heated discussions or debate, drinking sessions and during group, class, education or work related or training. Will look promising while talking but will be quiet when actual demonstration is required or the original source of what the encyclopediot is talking about is on site or present at the area of discussion. Encyclopediots will always make reference to what they have read, what have been taught to or what the later has heard about any particular subject matter. Encyclopediots always have the bragging rights but will automatically fold when someone capable is nearby.
Be careful when you run into an encyclopediot, or when you are accompanied by one, they tend to violate safety rule by having others to try things out first before an encyclopediot does. Encyclopediot always claim false pretenses and may exhibit hostility depending on body mass. The only ways to defeat and encyclopediot is to contest his knowledge and expertise first hand in front of the public.

Intel Inside, Idiot Outside Deviant Art by braiNiraj
Don't forget to use the hashtag if you are referring or when you encounter one.
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