Image from Deepanshu Saini
Technology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. ~ Wikipedia
Created for the betterment of humanity, make thing easier and comfortable, cuts the time and effort and can be used for multi-tasking. As such is the mobile phone. From a single purpose of voice communication, it has evolved into a multi-purpose gadget capable of doing multiple functions from other gadgets and equipment combined.
With all the benefits and ease it could bring, man has embraced it as something of a part of their daily life and sadly a part of them. Most, if not all can never leave their homes or go to sleep without it. Yes, now a days, mobile phones are a necessity. It has become the main tool in almost everything to accomplish business, communications and leisure. It is also the main tool that stupefies and dulls the mind, senses and situational awareness.

#TechnoZombie, #ZombieApocalypse
People and technology had developed a symbiotic relationship through the internet with one becoming more dominant and the other becoming more dependent to the other. But the stronger one has become a parasite created by the weaker one. The weaker one (the human) feeds on what the stronger one (the technology) has to offer but takes more in return by making the weaker one away from reality...forgetting to live.

Image from Deepanshu Saini
One of technology's most powerful tools, the mobile phone and with all the features it comes with and the applications ready for download, it has enslaved man. Why is that? Because man has allowed it to happen and almost if not everyone welcomed and embraced it. Almost every corner, of anywhere and everywhere you could see a TechnoZombie walking around with their eyes on their phones and their situational awareness compromised. With that being said, they pose potential safety menace to themselves and the public. And it did happen to some places I cannot enumerate, but it doesn't go on mainstream media. They are walking to be potentially dead. There you have it, your zombie apocalypse has already begun.
Created for the betterment of humanity, make thing easier and comfortable, cuts the time and effort and can be used for multi-tasking. As such is the mobile phone. From a single purpose of voice communication, it has evolved into a multi-purpose gadget capable of doing multiple functions from other gadgets and equipment combined.
With all the benefits and ease it could bring, man has embraced it as something of a part of their daily life and sadly a part of them. Most, if not all can never leave their homes or go to sleep without it. Yes, now a days, mobile phones are a necessity. It has become the main tool in almost everything to accomplish business, communications and leisure. It is also the main tool that stupefies and dulls the mind, senses and situational awareness.

#TechnoZombie, #ZombieApocalypse
People and technology had developed a symbiotic relationship through the internet with one becoming more dominant and the other becoming more dependent to the other. But the stronger one has become a parasite created by the weaker one. The weaker one (the human) feeds on what the stronger one (the technology) has to offer but takes more in return by making the weaker one away from reality...forgetting to live.

Image from Deepanshu Saini
One of technology's most powerful tools, the mobile phone and with all the features it comes with and the applications ready for download, it has enslaved man. Why is that? Because man has allowed it to happen and almost if not everyone welcomed and embraced it. Almost every corner, of anywhere and everywhere you could see a TechnoZombie walking around with their eyes on their phones and their situational awareness compromised. With that being said, they pose potential safety menace to themselves and the public. And it did happen to some places I cannot enumerate, but it doesn't go on mainstream media. They are walking to be potentially dead. There you have it, your zombie apocalypse has already begun.

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