From the original post of TechnoZombies comes the second installment with the same title and with the description of Devolution. As technology made everything easy for man, from hard labor to a push of a button and from face to face conversation to online conversations. Yet, with the advancement of technology and man being dependent on its advantages, the mind takes the toll from those advantages being abused.
Speaking out of the context of biology, Devolution, de-evolution, or backward evolution is the notion that species can revert into more less thinking or intelligent forms over time. This degeneration of humanity exist mostly in social media or in cyberspace, the kind that projects the mentality of bleeding hearts, helpfulness, sainthood and common sense but rarely reflects if not never on reality.

Image from Deepanshu Saini
How does sharing a post or having to like a post help the person in the photo? One might think that by doing so, they are fulfilling a moral or social obligation. This type of thinking results from addiction or being obsessed if you can call it that way on one's constant presence in cyberspace, social media and dependence on technology.
The Official Chuck Norris Fact Book: 101 of Chuck's Favorite Facts and Stories – October 21, 2009

Image from Deepanshu Saini
When one shows kindness, it must be of a genuine concern or everything is just for a show. When one does things to appease the public, thenits a genuine fakery. A mockery of public service and a twisted understanding of mercy. It is never a thing to do to be noticed by but to be humbly recognized. Todays degeneration exhibits more of a fakery rather than of genuine concern. As such is projecting what he or she is not to the extent of a public circus show that only the morally upright can discern nowadays or only the people who knows the actor knows the truth.
Some may go to the extent of doing a public stunt. A show of good intent, but in the end expects praises. As such is done with technology as a tool. Everything is scripted to the last letter. My dear lads, if you are going to help in anyway, then expect nothing in return. If by doing kindness you'll expect something in return, then it is not kindness but business. Never do an act of kindness to be acknowledged but rather to remain anonymous but light hearted. Imagine an ocean of smiles from people whom you never and will never know just because of a simple act of genuine concern and kindness. That would be an effort well reciprocated. Technology may be the best tool for this generation to encourage and spread good deeds, but when used for a show or personal gain, every effort goes right out of the window.
Speaking out of the context of biology, Devolution, de-evolution, or backward evolution is the notion that species can revert into more less thinking or intelligent forms over time. This degeneration of humanity exist mostly in social media or in cyberspace, the kind that projects the mentality of bleeding hearts, helpfulness, sainthood and common sense but rarely reflects if not never on reality.

Image from Deepanshu Saini
How does sharing a post or having to like a post help the person in the photo? One might think that by doing so, they are fulfilling a moral or social obligation. This type of thinking results from addiction or being obsessed if you can call it that way on one's constant presence in cyberspace, social media and dependence on technology.
The Official Chuck Norris Fact Book: 101 of Chuck's Favorite Facts and Stories – October 21, 2009
Be careful that computers don't control your life; make sure that you control them (as well as your other electronic media). ~ Chuck Norris
Don't be obsessed. Be disciplined. Enjoy people and things, but not to the point of addiction.

Image from Deepanshu Saini
When one shows kindness, it must be of a genuine concern or everything is just for a show. When one does things to appease the public, thenits a genuine fakery. A mockery of public service and a twisted understanding of mercy. It is never a thing to do to be noticed by but to be humbly recognized. Todays degeneration exhibits more of a fakery rather than of genuine concern. As such is projecting what he or she is not to the extent of a public circus show that only the morally upright can discern nowadays or only the people who knows the actor knows the truth.
Some may go to the extent of doing a public stunt. A show of good intent, but in the end expects praises. As such is done with technology as a tool. Everything is scripted to the last letter. My dear lads, if you are going to help in anyway, then expect nothing in return. If by doing kindness you'll expect something in return, then it is not kindness but business. Never do an act of kindness to be acknowledged but rather to remain anonymous but light hearted. Imagine an ocean of smiles from people whom you never and will never know just because of a simple act of genuine concern and kindness. That would be an effort well reciprocated. Technology may be the best tool for this generation to encourage and spread good deeds, but when used for a show or personal gain, every effort goes right out of the window.
Everything is permissible - but not everything is beneficial.
Everything is permissible - but not everything is constructive

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