Dedication can be defined depending on one's mindset and purpose. Regardless of the medium or form used to show it, defining it would depend on an individual alone. Sure there are a lot of ways to show it but there are a lot of thing to consider and weigh in taking it to one’s own self. Dedication is influenced by the condition of the mind, body, environment, emotion and values one embodies not to mention the obstacles that lay on the way.
ded·i·ca·tion /ˌdediˈkāSHən/
the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose.
One may diven by a purpose or conviction to achieve a certain goal/objective or result. In doing so, there are few things to consider in choosing a path or method to accomplish or achieve desired results. Having dedication to one's task or purpose does not autamatically yeild expected result/s for it requires time, patience and effort and is not achieved overtime. The path to dedications considers the posibilities of both positive and negative results.
Things to consider in putting dedication to one's work, tasks or purpose:
Knowledge and Skill
Self Esteem
Embrace the Suck
Treat Criticsm as a Challenge
Seek Influence
Know when to get dirty
No room for Hate
Know the Rules
With all of the above being said, all wouldn't matter, dedication wouldn't matter if you lack DISCIPLINE. Either you suffer the pain of Discipline or suffer the pain of Regret.
ded·i·ca·tion /ˌdediˈkāSHən/
the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose.

One may diven by a purpose or conviction to achieve a certain goal/objective or result. In doing so, there are few things to consider in choosing a path or method to accomplish or achieve desired results. Having dedication to one's task or purpose does not autamatically yeild expected result/s for it requires time, patience and effort and is not achieved overtime. The path to dedications considers the posibilities of both positive and negative results.

Things to consider in putting dedication to one's work, tasks or purpose:
- Set a time frame to measure progress and tasks needed to be accomplished.
Knowledge and Skill
- Having the set of knowledge and skills needed in accomplishing one's tasks or purpose is vital to achieve the goal without having the problem of
how to start or where to begin with
- Set reasonable goals or purpose. Reasonable in the sense that it is possible or achievable with consideration to other factors such as time, effort and resources.
Self Esteem
- Never compare yourself to anyone else in anyway. Your personality is your own uniqueness and have faith in your abilities as much as your judgement.
Embrace the Suck
- Don't be afraid in making mistakes as it is part of the learning process. Remember that if you suck in one thing, then you should put more effort to it. Sucking is part of it and embrace it as a form of acceptance. It is ok to make mistakes as long as you learn from it.
Treat Criticsm as a Challenge
- Seek out honest critique, even if it’s harsh. Remember that criticsm comes in two forms, to bring out the best in you or to destroy you and so as with the way one responds to criticsm. One should be able to identify which is which.
Seek Influence
- Let others influence you, but don’t copy them. You should easily identify those that will be in favor for your purpose.
Know when to get dirty
- Get dirty every once in a while. Dedication might require mud in your face (literally). Work hard, work clean but that doesn't mean not getting your hands dirty (literally).
No room for Hate
- Emotions can cloud your judgement. Ignore the haters but don't shun away lovers (could be literally or otherwise and could be a moral booster). you don't need a lot of friends to keep you company and help you out. Select a few and have a tight bond and friendship. In that way, you know how to, when to ask help and return the favor as well.
Know the Rules
- Be familiar with the rules so that you will know how and when to break them.
With all of the above being said, all wouldn't matter, dedication wouldn't matter if you lack DISCIPLINE. Either you suffer the pain of Discipline or suffer the pain of Regret.

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