Teaching and sharing our God given knowledge, skills and talents may sometimes be challenging specially when most of your audience is older than you and you might want to consider things about them. This is something I'm not good at nor would like to do regularly.
Being part of a class of weekend warriors, whose experience is not much to share but with skills vital to our existence as a non-profit entity with the sole purpose of public service, I never declined nor objected to share few knowledge yet so important. UADT "Sanglahi" Class of 2010 was my new class where I am one of the privileged few to share a bit of knowledge basing from experience. UADT stands for Unit Active Duty Training for weekend warriors like me that only happens every three years. Our class name "Sanglahi," abbreviated Tagalog words "Isang Lahi" which mean One Race is composed of able bodied men and women...and some not so, is not a typical classroom type body. As it is a complex mixture of age, attitude and social differences, we manage to get along for the sole purpose of learning a new and sharing skills and knowledge at the same time...
Due to some reasons that I cannot reveal nor mention even once, our class lacked qualified instructors to teach us. Basing from our class roster and experience, we were hand picked by one of our MTI's as suggested by some of our classmates. I was tasked to give a lecture on Map Reading and Land Navigation. Using my stock knowledge, I did my very best to share what I know to my classmates and still acted as one of them and not as an Instructor. I am not fond of lifting my foot into the air nor wanting to levitate in times like this.
For them to listen to me, I need to earn their respect specially of some who are way too if not much older than me. The class was formed three (3) weeks ago and started their training before I even came in. Actually I came in late in our class schedule of every Saturday and Sundays. I missed three (3) of each day...I thought that its not wise to show with my guts on civies, yet there I am, my first day or a month old class. They (my classmates) were practicing the usual drills. I stood on a corner watching them until they came to formation for routine inspection. One of my former squad mate and still my buddy introduced me to one of the MTI's (a FAT lady). I asked if I could still join the class since I'm hesitant because I'm three week long overdue, but to my surprise she welcomed me to the class.
Class discussion, we were situated at a pool side for our lecture but its not about swimming nor water safety and survival or the like. We discussed about lots of rules and regulations which I for one don't even remember any :). It was kinda boring since I really didn't care about the rules nor did I care about breaking it. Hours have passed and I was glad its over. Open class discussion commenced, and a concern was raised regarding the availability of other MTI's or instructors to teach some important topics to our class. I didn't bother to speak since I know the reasons why most MTI's or instructors didn't bother to show up (classified). Suddenly, I heard my name. I looked at the direction from where I heard it, then some of the guys who knew me asked me if I could be one of the personnel to discuss certain topics. First I was hesitant since I don't know what topic would fall under me. Then our MTI (the FAT lady), told me that I would be the one to discuss Land Navigation and Map Reading. I couldn't say no because I'm feelin' lucky for a late attendee like me to be up front to share what I know.
Came the day when its time for my lecture. Using my stock knowledge and a software I obtained from a premier military school cadet (now an officer in the army), I went on to share my knowledge to my classmates. At first, most of the class, specially those who are not familiar with me raised their eyebrows like they want to question me what am I doing in front of them (specially I'm not wearing any uniform). As I'm about to start, one of my classmates before and a buddy in my former unit interrupted and introduced me to the class. Suddenly, there's change in the wind direction. I hoped that what my former classmate and buddy told our class would be enough to pacify their questions about my credibility. I wen't on to finish my table top lecture and ended it with an announcement of a short drill and demo the following day.
Next day, I came in with my proper everything. There has been an absolute change in the weather. The class seems to be much eager to listen now rather than to question my credibility...(aside from some OLD folks who thinks I don't have what it takes to earn their respect). I did what I was supposed to do, to impart my knowledge to the fullest of my ability whether they like it or like it. I was serious about it because it involves life. They are about to discover the important the subject matter I'm talking about in the next meeting with a full exercise and application of what I have shared to them.
The following meeting was the time for their FTX (Field Training Exercise). Days before it, me and a two buddies of mine prepared the exercise for the rest of the class. And we definitely have the devil's smile on our faces since it wouldn't be easy for the class to accomplish it but It would be self fulfilling once they finish it. We divided them into teams then send them off for the exercise.
It was an exhausting day for the participants, but after completing the exercise, they found joy with their team mates as they made it to the final objective with no one among them quitting. With smiles on their faces, I can say their efforts are worth it.
Sharing to them my little knowledge is a fulfilling experience and also a good exposure for me. Though a lot of my classmates did enjoy their experience, but there are still some who never get to appreciate to work as a team. Like what everyone else say, we cannot please everybody.
Being part of a class of weekend warriors, whose experience is not much to share but with skills vital to our existence as a non-profit entity with the sole purpose of public service, I never declined nor objected to share few knowledge yet so important. UADT "Sanglahi" Class of 2010 was my new class where I am one of the privileged few to share a bit of knowledge basing from experience. UADT stands for Unit Active Duty Training for weekend warriors like me that only happens every three years. Our class name "Sanglahi," abbreviated Tagalog words "Isang Lahi" which mean One Race is composed of able bodied men and women...and some not so, is not a typical classroom type body. As it is a complex mixture of age, attitude and social differences, we manage to get along for the sole purpose of learning a new and sharing skills and knowledge at the same time...

Due to some reasons that I cannot reveal nor mention even once, our class lacked qualified instructors to teach us. Basing from our class roster and experience, we were hand picked by one of our MTI's as suggested by some of our classmates. I was tasked to give a lecture on Map Reading and Land Navigation. Using my stock knowledge, I did my very best to share what I know to my classmates and still acted as one of them and not as an Instructor. I am not fond of lifting my foot into the air nor wanting to levitate in times like this.

For them to listen to me, I need to earn their respect specially of some who are way too if not much older than me. The class was formed three (3) weeks ago and started their training before I even came in. Actually I came in late in our class schedule of every Saturday and Sundays. I missed three (3) of each day...I thought that its not wise to show with my guts on civies, yet there I am, my first day or a month old class. They (my classmates) were practicing the usual drills. I stood on a corner watching them until they came to formation for routine inspection. One of my former squad mate and still my buddy introduced me to one of the MTI's (a FAT lady). I asked if I could still join the class since I'm hesitant because I'm three week long overdue, but to my surprise she welcomed me to the class.
Class discussion, we were situated at a pool side for our lecture but its not about swimming nor water safety and survival or the like. We discussed about lots of rules and regulations which I for one don't even remember any :). It was kinda boring since I really didn't care about the rules nor did I care about breaking it. Hours have passed and I was glad its over. Open class discussion commenced, and a concern was raised regarding the availability of other MTI's or instructors to teach some important topics to our class. I didn't bother to speak since I know the reasons why most MTI's or instructors didn't bother to show up (classified). Suddenly, I heard my name. I looked at the direction from where I heard it, then some of the guys who knew me asked me if I could be one of the personnel to discuss certain topics. First I was hesitant since I don't know what topic would fall under me. Then our MTI (the FAT lady), told me that I would be the one to discuss Land Navigation and Map Reading. I couldn't say no because I'm feelin' lucky for a late attendee like me to be up front to share what I know.

Came the day when its time for my lecture. Using my stock knowledge and a software I obtained from a premier military school cadet (now an officer in the army), I went on to share my knowledge to my classmates. At first, most of the class, specially those who are not familiar with me raised their eyebrows like they want to question me what am I doing in front of them (specially I'm not wearing any uniform). As I'm about to start, one of my classmates before and a buddy in my former unit interrupted and introduced me to the class. Suddenly, there's change in the wind direction. I hoped that what my former classmate and buddy told our class would be enough to pacify their questions about my credibility. I wen't on to finish my table top lecture and ended it with an announcement of a short drill and demo the following day.

Next day, I came in with my proper everything. There has been an absolute change in the weather. The class seems to be much eager to listen now rather than to question my credibility...(aside from some OLD folks who thinks I don't have what it takes to earn their respect). I did what I was supposed to do, to impart my knowledge to the fullest of my ability whether they like it or like it. I was serious about it because it involves life. They are about to discover the important the subject matter I'm talking about in the next meeting with a full exercise and application of what I have shared to them.

The following meeting was the time for their FTX (Field Training Exercise). Days before it, me and a two buddies of mine prepared the exercise for the rest of the class. And we definitely have the devil's smile on our faces since it wouldn't be easy for the class to accomplish it but It would be self fulfilling once they finish it. We divided them into teams then send them off for the exercise.
It was an exhausting day for the participants, but after completing the exercise, they found joy with their team mates as they made it to the final objective with no one among them quitting. With smiles on their faces, I can say their efforts are worth it.

Sharing to them my little knowledge is a fulfilling experience and also a good exposure for me. Though a lot of my classmates did enjoy their experience, but there are still some who never get to appreciate to work as a team. Like what everyone else say, we cannot please everybody.

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