What's the best way to teach people about skills, values, knowledge, self dicipline and responsibility than at a young age. But its a bit different in teaching adults from that of the kids. Yes, most of us maybe raised by loving parents, schooled in universities, well educated and has a degree in the field of our choice. That having been said, would anyone care to accept things he/she finds new and outside of the norm one has been used to. From rules to interaction with the things and people around you to anything that might test your knowledge, values and capabilities as a human, as a professional and as an individual.
As I reach this age, this stage of my life, I try to look back and to at least reflect what I have been doing within the past years. Truly, learning is a lifetime process and while on the process of it, you will be tested to give the best of your abilities, knowledge and understanding so as for you to apply it in the future. Part of that learning process is getting to know the people who you spend time, do things and learn with like people close to you, friends that you consider as part of your family, your brothers and sisters. People whom you have trusted your life with as they have to you, not for one but for so many times like you depend on them and them to you and failure is not an option. You get to know and be familiar with their habits, their strength and weaknesses. Yet, that being said, its really about how you treat them as individuals and as a group and compensate those things where they might come short just to achieve a better if not a good result. Being familiar about them as well as those around them makes it easier for one to understand, inter-act, work and trust in them establishing that rare elusive thing called loyalty. That loyalty serves as a bond that tells you no matter and whatever happens, they got your back, an assurance that you will do the same for them. You teach them things they might find useful and they do the same to you. Trade crafts and tools of the trade.
In our lifetime, we get to meet a lot of people. Some are to stay and some if not most, are just passing by. You get to meet people, the most interesting kind that come from different walks of life and lifestyles. But only few if not a handful will be there when you least expect them. Some will just be there just because they need something or just want to learn something from you. Well, its not hard to discern which is which or who is who. You could always identify that person having a hiden agenda, persistent at a time and disappears in no time and would only return for more of whatever you might have to offer or anything that interest such person. It could be knowledge, skill, material and so much more this world has to offer. Could show you sympathy and understanding to your reasons and cause but acts and does the opposite.
Another is learning from the people who you impart knowledge to or teach with. You get to teach them things new to them and expect them to follow but actually after learning all that stuff you can teach them, they vanish into thin air, never to be seen again. Yes, it is the social media revolution these days and they could be one in your friends list yet no
By the way, I speak in the context of everything that is lawful, just and morally upright so don't get me wrong. ;)
*P.S. ~ Images are not mine and are properties of their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.
As I reach this age, this stage of my life, I try to look back and to at least reflect what I have been doing within the past years. Truly, learning is a lifetime process and while on the process of it, you will be tested to give the best of your abilities, knowledge and understanding so as for you to apply it in the future. Part of that learning process is getting to know the people who you spend time, do things and learn with like people close to you, friends that you consider as part of your family, your brothers and sisters. People whom you have trusted your life with as they have to you, not for one but for so many times like you depend on them and them to you and failure is not an option. You get to know and be familiar with their habits, their strength and weaknesses. Yet, that being said, its really about how you treat them as individuals and as a group and compensate those things where they might come short just to achieve a better if not a good result. Being familiar about them as well as those around them makes it easier for one to understand, inter-act, work and trust in them establishing that rare elusive thing called loyalty. That loyalty serves as a bond that tells you no matter and whatever happens, they got your back, an assurance that you will do the same for them. You teach them things they might find useful and they do the same to you. Trade crafts and tools of the trade.

In our lifetime, we get to meet a lot of people. Some are to stay and some if not most, are just passing by. You get to meet people, the most interesting kind that come from different walks of life and lifestyles. But only few if not a handful will be there when you least expect them. Some will just be there just because they need something or just want to learn something from you. Well, its not hard to discern which is which or who is who. You could always identify that person having a hiden agenda, persistent at a time and disappears in no time and would only return for more of whatever you might have to offer or anything that interest such person. It could be knowledge, skill, material and so much more this world has to offer. Could show you sympathy and understanding to your reasons and cause but acts and does the opposite.

Another is learning from the people who you impart knowledge to or teach with. You get to teach them things new to them and expect them to follow but actually after learning all that stuff you can teach them, they vanish into thin air, never to be seen again. Yes, it is the social media revolution these days and they could be one in your friends list yet no
Hi, no word, no nothing from them afterwards. So you see, the best time to teach people about lots of things is during their childhood where their mind is not yet poisoned by greed and self concieted. It may sound harsh to the young, but I find it the best way for them to grow, be adults, have a life of their own and pass on that knowledge. Yup, you might sound grumpy as I do, but kids won't find it that way, only adults or those who have developed a full understanding of the purpose of reasoning would find you grumpy. I speak and general, I don't give specifics of who those people are but I know who ever reads this rant of mine can relate that people like the latter are not so uncommon these days. Children sometime learn the hard way, but they find it useful when they grow up and appreciate the lessons learned, but for adults and the like, its just not inline with their beliefs and knowledge that they act the opposite of what you espect from them. Teaching the young is not robbing them of their childhood. There is no room for abuse in this earth.
By the way, I speak in the context of everything that is lawful, just and morally upright so don't get me wrong. ;)
*P.S. ~ Images are not mine and are properties of their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.
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